Library of Birmingham

Museums, Art Galleries & Libraries / Libraries

  • Birmingham, West Midlands, B1 2ND
  • 0121 242 4242

Architectural marvel in Birmingham's city center. A modern library hub, offering a wealth of knowledge, cultural resources, and community engagement.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible Attraction

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Daily : 11am to 7pm




Library of Birmingham
Library of Birmingham
Library of Birmingham
Library of Birmingham
Library of Birmingham

More Information

A contemporary architectural masterpiece, stands as a vibrant cultural hub in the city center. With its striking design, it offers not just a repository of knowledge but also serves as a community and cultural center.

The library houses a vast collection of books, archives, and digital resources, making it a haven for avid readers and researchers. Its innovative spaces include the Book Rotunda and the Shakespeare Memorial Room, providing a unique and enriching environment for visitors.

Beyond literature, the library hosts events, exhibitions, and educational programs, fostering a sense of community engagement and lifelong learning. The rooftop terrace provides panoramic views of the city, adding to the overall experience of this dynamic and modern library.


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