Science & Industry Museum

Museums, Art Galleries & Libraries / Museums

  • Manchester, Greater Manchester, M3 4FP
  • 0161 832 2244

Embark on a journey through scientific wonders and industrial marvels. Interactive exhibits and historic artifacts bring science to life.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible Attraction

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Galleries, Shop and Cafe

Daily: 10am to 5pm




Science & Industry Museum
Science & Industry Museum
Science & Industry Museum
Science & Industry Museum
Science & Industry Museum

More Information

Step into a world where innovation meets history at the Science & Industry Museum in Manchester. From the moment you enter, you're transported on a journey through the evolution of science and technology, set against the backdrop of Manchester's industrial heritage.

The museum's diverse exhibits offer something for everyone, whether you're a science enthusiast, history buff, or simply curious about the world around you. Explore interactive displays that bring scientific principles to life, allowing you to experiment and discover firsthand. From steam engines to modern marvels, the museum showcases the ingenuity and resilience of human endeavor.

One of the highlights is the chance to delve into Manchester's pivotal role in the Industrial Revolution. Walk among towering machines that powered the city's textile mills, marveling at the innovations that transformed society. Interactive workshops and demonstrations offer insight into the workings of these historic machines, providing a glimpse into the past while highlighting their relevance to the present.

But the museum isn't just about the past—it's also a celebration of innovation and progress. Explore exhibits on space exploration, computing, and renewable energy, showcasing the latest advancements shaping our future. Whether you're uncovering the secrets of the universe or marveling at the power of technology, the Science & Industry Museum is a captivating destination that inspires wonder and curiosity in visitors of all ages.


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